Five Easy Steps to Teach Safety Skills

toddler steering car

Talking to our kids about safety is extremely important. But it’s also not enough. Research shows that when kids are verbally taught how to handle dangerous situations, they can usually state what they are supposed to do…but are rarely able to do it when faced with the actual danger.   Talking About Safety Isn’t Enough Let … Read more

Simplify Parenting With Routines!

When I stopped working 3 ½ years ago, I felt a little lost. We had recently moved to a new town, I didn’t have any friends, and I was home with a newborn all day. I was sleep-deprived and lonely.  Know what saved my sanity? It wasn’t making friends (although it was nice to finally … Read more

The Secret to Motivating Kids

Motivating kids to be on their best behavior – everyone seems to have an “ideal” way to do it. Sticker charts. Marble jars. Reward menus. Token economies. Time out. Privilege removal. Its overwhelming and complicated! Or is it? Read on for the big secret to motivating kids…

Kid Habits: How They Made Them and How to Break Them

What comes to mind when I mention child habits? It’s usually the “bad” variety (although our kids certainly have beneficial habits too!). Personally, I think of our 11-month-old’s subconscious pinching while nursing, our 3-year-old’s heedless nose picking, and our 11-year-old’s oblivious nail biting. Maybe your toddler has a pacifier or thumb-sucking habit? Perhaps you have a teen with an eye-blinking tic?

Is It Working?!

Subscribe to skip all this and get More Carrot Than Stick’s Measuring Progress Behavior Guide! Have you tried some of the techniques I have suggested for improving your child’s behavior? (I recommend starting here and here). Maybe he or she hasn’t seemed quite as annoying today as in past days? Maybe you felt like snuggling … Read more

Setting Your Child Up for Success

You know how you feel when you haven’t had your morning coffee? When you only got a few hours of sleep? When you were so busy that you didn’t have time for lunch? When life got in the way of what little time you have for exercise? For me, these circumstances spell disaster (except coffee … Read more

Logical Consequences: The Next Best Thing

Did you read my post on natural consequences? If not, you should! If so, you may be asking yourself “What if my child’s behavior doesn’t have a natural consequence?” What you need then, my friend, is logical consequences. Logical consequences require a little more work on your part but are still infinitely easier than sticker … Read more

Let Natural Consequences Do the Work!

Often I see parents bending over backwards to develop elaborate reward and punishment schemes that are too complex for realistic follow-through. I’m guilty of it too, particularly when I was a young parent and just learning about behavioral techniques in graduate school. What if I told you there is something so much easier and just … Read more

Always Start with Sleep

Has an adult in your child’s life (including you) used any of these terms to describe your child? Inattentive, angry, impulsive, distracted, nervous, irritable, depressed, not following directions, moody, hyperactive, stubborn, anxious, fidgety, fearful…the list could go on and on. Generally, if your child is anything but happy and functioning optimally, sleep should be the … Read more

Teaching a Toddler (Or Any Kid!) Better Behavior

I think most parents would agree that “no” can be one of the most frustrating things a kid can say. Put your shoes on. “No.” Pick up your toys. “No.” Finish your lunch. ”No.” Do you want a cookie? “No.” That one is the most vexing – when your tempting parental bribe is rejected by … Read more

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