Kid Habits: How They Made Them and How to Break Them

What comes to mind when I mention child habits? It’s usually the “bad” variety (although our kids certainly have beneficial habits too!). Personally, I think of our 11-month-old’s subconscious pinching while nursing, our 3-year-old’s heedless nose picking, and our 11-year-old’s oblivious nail biting. Maybe your toddler has a pacifier or thumb-sucking habit? Perhaps you have a teen with an eye-blinking tic?

Teaching a Toddler (Or Any Kid!) Better Behavior

I think most parents would agree that “no” can be one of the most frustrating things a kid can say. Put your shoes on. “No.” Pick up your toys. “No.” Finish your lunch. ”No.” Do you want a cookie? “No.” That one is the most vexing – when your tempting parental bribe is rejected by … Read more

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